Helping Your Pet During a Natural Disaster

pet during a natural disasterHouston residents may be used to high winds and heavy rains, but when the bayous begin to creep out of their banks, even the most experienced Texans might begin to worry. Rising water is just one of many problems our communities face, making disaster preparedness absolutely vital.

While many people evacuated during Hurricane Katrina and most recently Hurricane Harvey, an astonishingly high percentage refused to leave their pets behind. It’s devastating to consider an animal left behind may not survive – or be at home when you return – but when you’re prepared, your pet has a better chance of enduring wild, unpredictable weather. Are you ready to help your pet during a natural disaster?


Pets And Guests: A Recipe For Success

pets and guestsDoes your normally calm Golden Retriever go crazy when a guest enters your home? Does your affectionate calico kitty hiss and spit whenever anyone but the immediate family gets near her? Are you concerned about having the holiday meal at your house because your Uncle Dan usually drinks one too many eggnogs and tries to give your dog, parakeet, and bearded dragon lizard all of his leftovers?

If this sounds like you, rest assured you’re not alone. Hosting a gathering at your home is a lot of work, but throw an unruly pet or guest in mix and you’ve added a whole new layer of stress, especially if your pets, or your company, aren’t prepared for each other. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to make sure that pets and guests can comfortably and safely share a space, and maybe even enjoy each other’s company!


The Dark Truth About Black Cats and Halloween

black catsThe western world generally regards black cats as harbingers of bad luck, evil, or death, but other cultures see these special felines differently. For example, many Asian countries and parts of the UK perceive black cats as lucky, even using them to ward off bad juju (how’s that for irony?). Bastet, the Egyptian goddess, was often depicted as a black cat who symbolized family, fertility, and joy.


Rattlesnakes and Pets: A Dangerous Combo

The warm sun and longer days are wonderful for most of us, including our cold-blooded reptile friends who become more active during spring. It also stands to reason that we spend more time outdoors with our furry friends this time of year.

Because we live with rattlesnakes, understanding their behaviors, habitat, and other qualities can help prevent negative encounters – especially when you’re out on the trail with Spot.


A Primer on Heartworm Prevention for Safety’s Sake

Our coastal climate is just one reason to love the Houston area, but it also gives rise to the prevalence of awful flying, buzzing pests. Beyond their irritating bites, mosquitoes are responsible for the spread of some serious diseases. Zika, malaria, and West Nile Virus (to name a few) are terrible for humans, but it’s heartworm prevention that we’re most concerned with for our pets.


Prevent a Pet Emergency on Valentine’s Day

Valentines chocolate_iStock_000000406874_MediumEveryone knows that the top destination on Valentine’s Day is a pet emergency clinic. It’s just so romantic and cozy; you’ll want to freeze time…or NOT!

While we love seeing you and your pet, we would prefer it not be in an emergency situation! With this in mind, we offer some Valentine’s Day safety tips so you (and Cupid) can remain on track.

The Elephant in the Room

We hate to call out chocolate, but it really is the most common cause of pet poisonings on Valentine’s Day (not to mention Easter, Halloween, and Christmas!). Sure, nothing says “I love you” like decadent chocolates in a red, heart-shaped box. However, your pet is better off without these sweet treats.


A Scary Combination: Halloween Treats and Pets

Trick or treat walk with my dogHalloween is a favorite holiday for many families and their pets – especially when our adorable pals don’t mind donning a costume. However, Halloween treats and pets aren’t always a fun mix. In fact, poisoning and other health threats are big concerns this time of year.

To keep your night full of spooky fun and avoid a veterinary emergency, follow our tips and suggestions regarding trick-or-treat toxins. Continue…

No Sweat: The Importance of Heat Safety for Pets

OakForest_iStock_000089139143_LargeYour precious pet is equipped with various mechanisms to combat warm temperatures, but these can only get him or her so far. Indeed, without your expertise and intervention, your pet could be at risk of heatstroke.

Houston is among the top ten most humid places in the country. Higher temps and rising humidity make heat safety for pets even more vital to overall wellness.   Continue…

Tis’ The Season: Holiday Pet Safety Tips

iStock_000015842470_LargeOur Thanksgiving meals have been consumed, football has been watched, and Black Friday shopping has been done. It’s time now to turn our attention towards preparing our homes for the rest of the holiday season: tree trimming, lights hanging, and all the other fun and nostalgic decorations that remind us of the holidays.

When we pull out our holiday décor this year, it’s important to keep in mind that many commonly used items can pose a real threat to our furry family members. Before you get started on transforming your home into a winter wonderland, take a few moments to educate yourself on holiday decoration safety for your pets. Continue…