BFF’s: Taking a Closer Look at the Human-Animal Bond

Human-Animal BondCats and dogs weren’t always considered integral members of the family, but they certainly are nowadays. Initially employed for herding, hunting, and pest control, the ancestors of the animals we now hold near and dear to our hearts had to work hard for a warm place to sleep at night. This hard-won balance between our species has been maintained for centuries and, in fact, we evolved together. As a result, we have a very specific affinity for them.

Perhaps not surprisingly, the economic downturn a decade ago didn’t affect the nation’s spending related to pets. While some people might view pet ownership and care as an indulgence in trying times, others utterly depend on the relationship with their pet. All this (and more) begs the question: what is at the root of the human-animal bond?


Is Your Pet in Chronic Pain? Top Signs of Pet Arthritis

pet arthritisHow do you tell if your beloved cat or dog is in pain? Sometimes, our faithful companions and cuddly cats make it easy for us. Sometimes, they will cry out in pain, hold up a paw or even limp. These more obvious signs usually happen when their pain is acute. Unfortunately, often times they suffer in silence.

A pet suffering from arthritis often doesn’t cry out or limp until their pain becomes intolerable. More commonly, a fair amount of older pets will do the best they can to continue in their normal routine. If we know what signs to look for in our aging pets, we can better control their pain before it becomes unbearable. Also, if we know our pets are starting to suffer, we can actually slow the process of pet arthritis with medications.


Senior Dog Care: Special Considerations for Senior Dogs

senior pet careDogs older than seven years of age are considered senior pets. Senior dogs are in the stage of life in which the aging process is beginning to affect every organ system. Some organs “wear out” faster or are more susceptible to cumulative damage than others, so certain observations are especially important to make.


The Prevalence of Diabetes in Pets

Diabetes continues to be one of the most prevalent diseases affecting people, but did you know diabetes is also on the rise among cats and dogs? Diabetes impacts 1 in 200 cats and approximately 1 in every 200-500 dogs. While this disease is more common in senior pets, we’re also seeing many cases among younger animals.

If you’re wondering what causes diabetes in pets and what the symptoms are, you’re in luck because November is National Pet Diabetes Month. In observance, the team at Oak Forest Veterinary Hospital wants to help you learn more about this condition and its prevention.
