A Scary Combination: Halloween Treats and Pets

Trick or treat walk with my dogHalloween is a favorite holiday for many families and their pets – especially when our adorable pals don’t mind donning a costume. However, Halloween treats and pets aren’t always a fun mix. In fact, poisoning and other health threats are big concerns this time of year.

To keep your night full of spooky fun and avoid a veterinary emergency, follow our tips and suggestions regarding trick-or-treat toxins. Continue…

Tis’ The Season: Holiday Pet Safety Tips

iStock_000015842470_LargeOur Thanksgiving meals have been consumed, football has been watched, and Black Friday shopping has been done. It’s time now to turn our attention towards preparing our homes for the rest of the holiday season: tree trimming, lights hanging, and all the other fun and nostalgic decorations that remind us of the holidays.

When we pull out our holiday décor this year, it’s important to keep in mind that many commonly used items can pose a real threat to our furry family members. Before you get started on transforming your home into a winter wonderland, take a few moments to educate yourself on holiday decoration safety for your pets. Continue…