Ringing in a New Year with Our Top Five Pet Blogs of 2016

OakForest_iStock_000089139143_LargeAnother year has passed and with it, we often reflect upon ways we can improve our health, get back into exercise, and just be more present and available – especially with those we love. One of the reasons why we choose to focus on pet health blogs is to encourage you to improve your pet’s quality of life and expand your knowledge as a responsible, loving pet owner. (And we know you do!)

Whether we place our focus on puppy and kitten care or the importance of weight management and good nutrition, we hope we help you better understand and make the changes that lead to optimal pet health.

If you want to make this the most pawsitive year yet for your fur friend, we are here to give you a leg up with our five most popular pet blogs of 2016.


The In’s and Out’s Of Pet Separation Anxiety

Pug on green backgroundIn the face of sweltering heat, the incontrovertible truth remains that summer will be petering out soon. This might provide great relief to your panting, tired-of-the-heat cat or dog , but this seasonal change can also trigger confusion and panic if they are used to rolling around with the kids all summer long.

To be sure, with Houston’s schools opening for the fall term, pet separation anxiety is a real concern. Oak Forest Veterinary Hospital understands that this transition can be especially difficult for pets. With our proactive approach, every member of your household can manage the start of the school year with finesse. Continue…