Beyond the Wellness Visit: Veterinary Internal Medicine

Veterinary Internal MedicineUpdating vaccinations and performing routine screening tests are an important part of our job at Oak Forest Veterinary Hospital. While we love taking care of your pets when they are well, we also want you to know that we are here for you when things aren’t so sunny. Our veterinary staff is well-educated and experienced in the field of veterinary internal medicine and ready to help our patients when they need us most.



BFF’s: Taking a Closer Look at the Human-Animal Bond

Human-Animal BondCats and dogs weren’t always considered integral members of the family, but they certainly are nowadays. Initially employed for herding, hunting, and pest control, the ancestors of the animals we now hold near and dear to our hearts had to work hard for a warm place to sleep at night. This hard-won balance between our species has been maintained for centuries and, in fact, we evolved together. As a result, we have a very specific affinity for them.

Perhaps not surprisingly, the economic downturn a decade ago didn’t affect the nation’s spending related to pets. While some people might view pet ownership and care as an indulgence in trying times, others utterly depend on the relationship with their pet. All this (and more) begs the question: what is at the root of the human-animal bond?


Hats Off to Our Readers! Our Top 5 Most Popular Pet Blogs of 2017

As we prepare to close out another amazing year at Oak Forest Veterinary Hospital, we would like to take a moment to thank you for choosing us! We are truly honored to provide your pet with top-of-the-line care, and we are grateful for the relationships we have built with all of our patients and clients.

Through our regular blog, we strive to provide you with informative, interesting, and useful pet care information. With diverse topics, such as holiday safety, senior pet care, and separation anxiety, our goal is to answer your questions and address your concerns when it comes to your sweet pet.

That being said, we have compiled our most popular pet blogs of 2017 into one convenient location for your reference.


Pets And Guests: A Recipe For Success

pets and guestsDoes your normally calm Golden Retriever go crazy when a guest enters your home? Does your affectionate calico kitty hiss and spit whenever anyone but the immediate family gets near her? Are you concerned about having the holiday meal at your house because your Uncle Dan usually drinks one too many eggnogs and tries to give your dog, parakeet, and bearded dragon lizard all of his leftovers?

If this sounds like you, rest assured you’re not alone. Hosting a gathering at your home is a lot of work, but throw an unruly pet or guest in mix and you’ve added a whole new layer of stress, especially if your pets, or your company, aren’t prepared for each other. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to make sure that pets and guests can comfortably and safely share a space, and maybe even enjoy each other’s company!


A Touchdown For Pets: Football Players And Pet Charities

pet charitiesThe National Football League is known for its contributions to charities throughout the country. From its partnership with the American Cancer Society to its commitment to student health and fitness through its NFL Play 60 foundation, this uniquely American sport has benefited communities throughout our great nation.

In recent years, individual players have turned their sights, and considerable influence, toward helping pets in need. We are excited to highlight the connection between football players and pet charities!
