Senior Dog Care: Special Considerations for Senior Dogs

senior pet careDogs older than seven years of age are considered senior pets. Senior dogs are in the stage of life in which the aging process is beginning to affect every organ system. Some organs “wear out” faster or are more susceptible to cumulative damage than others, so certain observations are especially important to make.


The Prevalence of Diabetes in Pets

Diabetes continues to be one of the most prevalent diseases affecting people, but did you know diabetes is also on the rise among cats and dogs? Diabetes impacts 1 in 200 cats and approximately 1 in every 200-500 dogs. While this disease is more common in senior pets, we’re also seeing many cases among younger animals.

If you’re wondering what causes diabetes in pets and what the symptoms are, you’re in luck because November is National Pet Diabetes Month. In observance, the team at Oak Forest Veterinary Hospital wants to help you learn more about this condition and its prevention.


Pet Vaccines: Helping Your Pet Live a Long and Wag-Full Life

By Audrey Wojtkowski

Recently there has been a lot of talk about fully vaccinating children and the dangers of over-vaccination. But what about your fur-child? How do you know which vaccines are appropriate for your pet? What about
preventative care beyond pet vaccines? How can we catch diseases early enough to treat and allow your pet to live a longer life?

Pet Vaccinations in a Nutshell

Let’s start with the basics: what is a vaccine? A pet vaccine is a segment of the virus or bacteria that will help to prepare the body’s immune system to fight off the disease should it ever be exposed in the future.  

There are so many diseases that your pet can be vaccinated for that it can be overwhelming when your veterinarian is poking your pet. If you aren’t sure what your fur-baby is being vaccinated for, or if you are confused you should always ask for clarification. Continue…