Pets & Antifreeze: A Dangerous Combo

antifreezeEthylene glycol is the most common and the most dangerous form of antifreeze. Dogs and cats are attracted to ethylene glycol by its sweet taste. Many animals will voluntarily drink ethylene glycol if antifreeze is spilled or leaks onto garage floors or driveways. That’s why your friends at Oak Forest Veterinary Clinic would like to remind you of the dangers of Ethylene glycol poisoning.


Keeping Your Lawn and Garden Free from Common Pet Poisons

TrueCare_iStock_000083778119_LargeSpring dreams often include creating a backyard paradise or the most enviable, bountiful garden in the neighborhood. And, in accomplishing these tasks we often enlist the help of lawn and garden chemicals, which, unfortunately, are some of the most common pet poisons.

From pesticides to compost, our yards can present a plethora of pet risks when we are not aware of toxicity and accidental poison emergencies ensue. Continue…