At some point in your active or senior pet’s life, he or she may need veterinary surgery. It may be a planned treatment strategy, or it may be a critical, pet health emergency. In either case, our pet hospital provides the Houston, TX urban area with the highest quality animal surgical services.


We take emergencies when possible Monday through Friday during regular hours of operation. If your beloved pet is suffering from an obvious injury or unknown cause, call our hospital right away.


Even though your pet’s surgery may be planned, it’s no less traumatic for you and your pet. That’s why everything we do before, during, and after an operation or procedure is about your pet’s comfort and safety.

Pre-operative blood work and an exam will be necessary to implement anesthesia safely and effectively. Next, our animal hospital provides a sterile environment for any operation or procedure we perform. And finally, we’ll send you home with after-care instructions on things like bathing, feeding, and medication delivery.


Modern veterinary medicine is a wonderful thing, and anesthetics are one reason why so many of your animal’s health issues can be treated effectively. But it is not without risk. Experts say that roughly 1 in 100,000 dogs or cats will have a negative reaction to anesthetics. This can be as minor as swelling at the injection site to life-threatening shock. Pre-existing diseases raise this risk, and that’s why our veterinarians examine your pet before any operation or procedure is done.
