What’s Better than A Puppy or Kitten?

In the world of veterinary medicine, the only thing lovelier than a cute kitten or puppy is a healthy kitten or puppy. Healthy kittens and puppies are one of life’s purest joys. Their curiosity and enthusiasm can truly inspire us in our own lives.

Oak Forest Veterinary Hospital is the Houston, TX area’s best resource for keeping things that way. Our pet hospital understands the needs and wants of your new pets, and we have a proven system for maintaining pet health.

Let our animal clinic help you navigate the world of puppy and kitten care in the following ways:

Vaccination and booster shot program — Our pet clinic will get your beloved new animal on the right program for his or her age and weight to keep health optimal.
Feeding — Young animals have far different nutritional needs than older ones. Our veterinary clinic can help you navigate this wellness road.
Pet Grooming — Dogs and cats were not born hating baths and nail trimmings. This is learned behavior. Let our veterinary team teach you how to make these necessary experiences as enjoyable as possible for your puppy or kitten.
Puppy- and kitten-proofing — Your home is a treasure trove of new and interesting things to sniff, chew, scratch, and eat. At least that’s what your puppy or kitten thinks. But that is not safe, or, without incident. Our veterinarians can help you catch potential problems in your home before they become problems.
Supplies — Walk into any big-box pet store and you can be overwhelmed with the toys and supplies available nowadays. Our veterinary staff can advise you on the items you’ll need in your home, the items you’ll want in your home and the items you may want to avoid.