Pets and Guests: A Recipe for Success
Does your normally calm Golden Retriever go crazy when a guest enters your home? Does your affectionate calico kitty hiss and spit whenever anyone but…
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Hats Off to Our Readers! Our Top 5 Most Popular Pet Blogs of 2017
As we prepare to close out another amazing year at Oak Forest Veterinary Hospital, we would like to take a moment to thank you for choosing…
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Bff’s: Taking a Closer Look at The Human-Animal Bond
Cats and dogs weren’t always considered integral members of the family, but they certainly are nowadays. Initially employed for herding, hunting, and pest control, the…
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Beyond the Wellness Visit: Veterinary Internal Medicine
Updating vaccinations and performing routine screening tests are an important part of our job at Oak Forest Veterinary Hospital. While we love taking care of your…
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