Hey Everyone!

2023 brought so many changes!  I turned 10!  Double digits!  6 more years and I can drive (but my mom says no).  Lots of changes and upgrades happened at Mom’s job, too.

For starters, Dr. Stephanie Harmon and Dr. Codi Cass joined Mom’s team. This brings the total to 6 full time doctors-WOW! And guess what? A 7th exam room was added, too!  Luckily, they all still have those tasty liver treats for me.

When my mom and dad go on vacation, I get to hang out at the clinic.  Did you know you can drop off your pet to hang out with me when you go out of town? Its call boarding.   Oak Forest also renovated the boarding space. The new place is next door to the clinic and has lots more space.  It’s the same fun yard I get to play in.   I think it’s pretty nice.  I’ve stayed there plenty of times along with my brother Knox and cat sisters Keece and Diana (they don’t stay close to me and Knox, which is good because they like it more quiet than we do).   

Mom’s work also got an upgraded toy!  It’s a nice ultrasound.  Ultrasounds look like walking through the house in the dark as far as I can tell, but they see things I can’t see when they look at it.  Dr. Schaack and Dr. Lane play on it a lot, especially after they took some high tech training courses to be able to use it.

Well, gotta go help Mom prepare for the OFVH monthly book club meeting. Hopefully it’s a book about dogs.  Then maybe she’ll take me for a drive.  I need to practice my driving skills.

Can’t wait to see what 2024 brings!


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